Friday, December 22, 2006

RIght On Mr X

Fight after fight we fought
Until the cherished boon was achieved
Only to lose it in the jungle of politics
Facing hazards of life
We broke free
Only to be back bitten by our black lords
The salvation stayed beyond reach
As some distant hope lost in the mists
Time races on and on Age passes through
But We still are shackled to the ever growing melee
This is the reflection in every Indian's Heart,Some May say it out loud ,Some May say it Behind. As to Prove this Point , the recent situation In Andhra comes up as the buzz of the alarm as a remainder to the bitter truth.
Mr X the person whose background is a totality of fuedalism now comes to the dias to speak on the topic of land ceiling while all he is a mere pauper with not more then 3800 plus acres of it.He is the person that went on a walk to light up the farmers life,but in half the half decade , he changed the pattern to match his old self ,justtttttttttt like a wolf out on a hunt for a meat.Rather than being the light everyone thought he would be ,He not only scroched them,but totally drove them to the brink.
Rob the Rich to feed the poor was an old motto ,I am sorry to say that was before the elections.Right now the agenda seems to have changed to vice versa .The silence of all the departments when there is a pandomonium of land grabbing going on all around the base city,doesnt seem to affect him too personally for he is from that of the same kinship.
Before any of this was forgotten ,the most santifying promise he had made that He would try for Telengana before the elections turned up empty ,just bcoz to appease the MADAM's mood.When approached with this situations,all he has to say is "I am Innocent,the oppostition is poisoning the hearts of those who love me".
Yeah Right ...
He is all but innocent.He may be in a frame of mind that makes me remember an old proverb
A cat always closes its eyes while it drinks milk and thinks no one is watching it.
In the same way Maybe our Mr X thinks he is that cat.

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