Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blind men's dream

Long ago, but not so long ago someone said something about a dictatorial regime and fought about it tooth and nail. But now that person is nothing more then a flashback comes back from the party’s emergency time. No I don’t say it that its there yet but its getting there. Poor Mr. Y didn’t have the senses to stay away from the stink the person is .Although Mr. Y is right in every sense .he is being screwed boiled and bathed in the Hippocratic views of Mr. X.

I think there is a head turning and neck snapping power in that high throne he sits on. Maybe too much of power toxicities went up to his head he keeps repeating that there is no danger coming his way in the next twenty yrs.IS HE TOO BLIND A GUY.

Yeah right the white mam is silent these days; the big question is already answered with the slip of her biggest friend in Argentina. I think the cat got her tongue too.

People I think its time you put away the colorful goggles and look at the world as it is, if you do so there is quiet a chance you can rectify or the hand goes to dogs.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Misted Truth

Truth sayth that a person is so prone to dreaming that he lost track of reality.this is something called a lovers syndrome.the same thing is happening to the political scenario in the andhra.the person is so involved with the dream that he is seeing that the actual truth is misted to the point of almost truth.The fact no longer seems to be the basis of reality only the shreds of paper make up the truth now a days.the reason why i am giving the bullshit about this is the recent truth Mr X learned after quiet a butt burn.I mean the land issue(hope you all remember it).Now at this stage,although he has stopped pulling wool over the eyes of others he has forgotten to clear the wool off his own now a days he seems aimless less mediatic.
like the truth is that no wild animal can be tamed,the theme of his organisation never changes its motto after Independence.the whole concept started of with a suit,hat and boot.
The suit is the indication of the power drive that goes into the top echelons the lone strategy is to suck of the blood of the lowers .
the next level of the structure is the hat,these guys are the operative heads just for the name sake but a sweeper has more freedom then these guys .i don't know whether they earn enough or not but surely they do a lot of hatting and prattling to get the attention of the suit guys.
and then comes the boot guys who are the leg ups and peg up for the other two guys.these guys are like the umbrellas on a most normal day they only are seen when there is no use for them .but they are like the leeches that are there only to suck blood off us.
So the truth is that Mr X always is a person to think that the suit ,hat,and boot doesn't exist in the rule because he is the suit guy here he thinks he is running the most favorable governance when all he is doing is dreaming of something called MISTED TRUTH